Fight For The Future is a group of technology experts, policy makers, and creatives who work to use the power of the internet for good and to ensure it remains a tool for all to use equitably. This latest project emerges as a direct result of highlighting disparities when it comes to inequalities in digital publishing and specifically, how public schools and libraries, independent booksellers, rural, disabled, and low-income readers are being further pulled away from the future of our digital reality. Who Can Get Your Book assigns a letter grade for accessibility and availability of books. It looks at how many formats in which the book is available and what types of licensing or exclusive agreements are attached to those formats. “With the rise of ebooks and audiobooks, barriers that prevented blind people like myself from gaining equitable access to books could be a thing of the past,” said Sina Bahram (he/him), President of Prime Access Consulting, Inc. “Instead, the education, research, and enjoyment of disabled people are all caught in the crossfire of publishing profits. I hope that this project will prompt authors and publishers to center people with reading differences as well as people with income and transportation barriers. Disabled readers must be included in publishing’s digital revolution.”
It’s not just the average reader for whom accessibility is vital. It’s also those working in or accessing materials via public schools or libraries. Embargoes, exclusives, and restrictive licensing put these institutions at a distinct disadvantage, charging outrageous sums for limited use of materials. As reported in December, one school district in southern California finds itself budgeting $27 per student every 12 months to access the classic and widely-taught The Diary of Anne Frank annually. “I hope that authors and publishers will consider the ramifications of their decisions to limit access and what that means,” said Chrystal Woodcock (she/her), Library Media Supervisor at Menifee Union School District in California, who shared the above information. “My biggest fear is that the idea of ownership will go away in the same ways it has within the software industry. A shift away from print books and to these limited-use licenses could be the end of libraries. Libraries are a great equalizer that give learning opportunities to people of all socio-economic backgrounds. We do need to continue to fight for access.” Not only do readers stand to benefit from more accessibility. So do authors. In 2020, a year with record library ebook lending — up 33% — publishing saw an increase in sales by 8%, as well as a 16-22% increase in ebook sales. Despite that, independent bookstores saw sales decrease in that same time frame by 28%. A big reason? Exclusivity. “Bookstores are the heart and soul of our communities,” said Mark Pearson (he/him), Co-Founder and CEO of audiobook platform, which shares its profits with independent bookstores. “[S]ales of digital audiobooks through’s partner stores had a dramatic increase from 2020. We are optimistic about the long-term potential for bookstores to compete online in all formats. At the same time, Audible Exclusive audiobooks—also known as Audible Originals— hurt bookstores because they are consistently missing out on sales for big releases. When they aren’t able to sell audiobooks that are in high demand, potential customers will opt for Audible over their local bookstores.” “With a basis for comparison in this tool, we can now confront the true impact of an embargo or an exclusive on the institutions that have created and sustained generations of book lovers,” said Lia Holland (she/they), Campaigns & Communications Director with Fight for the Future. “What grades would last year’s top 10 bestsellers get? What about top LGBTQ+ or racial justice books? Which publishers are making the most equitable choices with their new releases? The results are heartbreaking.”