This holiday weekend, Wisconsin independent bookstore A Room of One’s Own will donate a percentage of their sales “to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services [RAICES], a Texas-based organization that provides low-to-no-cost legal services to the people who are incarcerated in the immigrant camps run by the U.S. Border Patrol.” They’ve put out the call for other independent bookstores to join them in donating proceeds, and we are joining in, also.

The treatment of immigrants and refugees at our Southern border is a humanitarian crisis, and one of the most urgent ethical disasters we’ve faced in recent memory. But, Border Patrol does not accept donations of items that would ease suffering of those in detention. We can, however, send financial support to legal organizations who bear witness inside the detention facilities and provide essential legal services to those suffering at the border.

What To Do

Buy a book from any of the participating bookstores July 5–7 and 5–20% of online and in-store profits will go to RAICES. You can also simply donate directly to the bookstores’ efforts here. Want reading recommendations? Check this out. Then: Upload a picture of your receipt for your donation or purchase in the form below (redact any personal info you want). Book Riot will match donations up to a total of $2,500 on Monday—check back then to see a copy of our own receipt. Encourage your local indie bookstore to participate. Send them the call-to-action and instructions from A Room of One’s Own. Vote.

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