1. Mae Whitman may be 26, but she’s the only person who could possibly play Blue Sargent from The Raven Cycle series. Also: I didn’t realize this series was to be a quartet, not a trilogy, so when I finished Blue Lily, Lily Blue, I was so pissed. The last time this happened, I’d just finished The Hunger Games and had begun reflecting on its bittersweet, open ending, when I flipped the page and saw Catching Fire mentioned. STAHP.
  2. “Not Only Human” by Heather Nova is Juliette Ferrars’ (from the Shatter Me books) jam. (Bonus: This fan-made video is all about Olivia from Fringe.) [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQv6y1rPyTA[/youtube] This song kept playing in my head while I was reading those books. I just think it’s perfect, and if there’s ever a movie version where this isn’t used in the credits, somebody will have done something wrong. “When you’re sleeping, you’re ceramic/ You’re surrounded by little stars/ Every shimmer is a searchlight/ Every planet is ours/ Change the street, change the decade/ Still the longing’s left inside/ Why am I too small to carry you?/ Why does twilight make me cry?” and “Life is something set to music/ I can hear it when I’m sad/ There’s a chord in every muscle/ Every kiss you ever had/ There’s a power when you’re near me/ It’s in our heads, it’s in our bones/ I know nothing, but I’m guessing/ When we die, we’re not alone.”
  3. Even though I read a lot, I suuuuuck at it. I can’t keep timelines straight. I chuckle every single time at silly fantasy names. I drift off and skim during “important” world-building sections.
  4. What’s wrong with my ugly cry response? I didn’t cry when reading My Heart and Other Black Holes, though I recognized the places where I would have, once. My crying response just seems to be broken. I have no theories.
  5. When books are equally as good as their covers, it’s just cool. Luckiest Girl Alive? That black rose with the bright lettering is perfect. A Thousand Pieces of You is worthy of its jacket’s gorgeousness. The Unfinished Life of Addison Stone? So. Much. Yes. 100% looking forward to Hausfrau because the jacket is gorgeous.
  6. I’ve missed being on the YA fantasy train, but I think I’m ready to get off again after I finish Red Queen. I’ve caught up considerably in the last few months, and I think it’s time to move on to something else because hoo boy, that angst is tiring. I’ll be ready for it again in the summer, which is still a time I can’t help but associate with a big break from school and general, fun-type shenanigans.
  7. I finally read Sharp Objects, the last Gillian Flynn I hadn’t gotten to, and it reminded me a whole lot of a V. C. Andrews book, in a good way obviously, I mean what other way is there to remind me of a V. C. Andrews book. Share yours?

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Thinking About My Recent Reading - 53