At Tablet Hotels, A Reading List for Lovers of Travel At Abe Books, 7 Erotica Books That Are Actually Good At Wired’s “GeekDad,” Princess-Free Stories At LitReactor, Top 10 Mad Scientists of Literature At Flavorwire: 10 of the Weirdest Children’s Book Authors of All Time At NPR, Nancy Pearl Unearths Great Summer Reads At Terrible Minds, 25 Reasons You Should Quit Writing At Spotify, A Playlist of All the Songs Mentioned in Patti Smith’s JUST KIDS At The Huffington Post, 9 Fantastic Prep School Novels At The 99%, 7 Types of Creative Block (and What to Do About Them) At The Barnes & Noble Review, 5 Books for Graduates At Kirkus Reviews, Top 10 Fantasy Novels by Female Authors At Jezebel, 15 Thought-Provoking Questions to Ask at Book Club     and….. At Mental Floss, 11 Cakes Based on Kids Books, Movies, and TV Shows

The List List  8 - 18