The Best Books You’ve Never Heard of is our chance to shout out some of the books we Book Rioters love that don’t get the attention they deserve. Now, lots of lists claim to be “underrated” books that turn out to have The Fault In Our Stars and Catcher In the Rye on them. I wanted to make sure that these really are titles that you probably haven’t heard of before, so they all have around 250 ratings (not reviews) on Goodreads. This is a completely arbitrary cut off, but for context, The Hunger Games has over 7 million ratings on Goodreads, and In Watermelon Sugar has 17,000. Enough preamble: let’s get into the books! Can’t get enough little-known gems in your reading life? Check out our previous editions of The Best Books You’ve Never Heard of!

The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 29The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 69The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 18The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 83The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 11The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 59The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 41The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 37The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 52The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 72The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 91The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 88The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 67The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 32The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 21The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 37The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 77The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 34The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 34The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 84The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 73The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 88The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 21The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 19The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 84The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 94The Best Books You ve Never Heard of  Fall 2021  - 39