Cottagecore. I was reading it as cottagegore.  Now I know what you’re thinking: “How in hell did you do that? How did you see the pictures that went with word and think that ‘gore’ had anything to do with it?”  In my defense I… I actually don’t have an answer that doesn’t sound completely bananas; that’s just what my brain read. Even now I have to correct myself. It could be that I equate a lot of really good horror with cottage-esque settings. Think about; the haunted house trope is still the one of the most popular ones in the horror genre. Something about being completely cut off from civilization, and by extension help, that is still nightmare fuel. I am an ambivert at best but I lean more towards introvert. When my social battery is drained, I leave as quickly as Bruce Wayne does when he sees the Bat Signal.  So, I would love to live somewhere where I couldn’t hear my neighbors pee. But I also don’t want to be so far away that it would be a five minute drive to get to the McKenzies’ in case of a homicidal slasher emergency. Also, virtual cookie for you if you got that reference. Yes, it’s a fine line to walk and horror does it all the time.  Less-than-idyllic cottages, cabins in the woods, and haunted houses rank high in the best horror stories. It’s the utter isolation that does it for me. That feeling of being alone, cut off from the rest of the world at large. Whether that feeling of solitude is emotional or physical, it can be a terrible thing to be in. This especially true in situations where something is out to kill you. Even if that something is your own paranoia.  I believe that cottagegore could become the next big thing in horror. We Constant Readers can make it a new thing. The bookish community is mighty; and we can make it happen. For me, it’s a specific subset of horror, focused on isolated settings. With that in mind, here are some of the books that I think would fully encapsulate cottagegore.  And those are just a few of the books that I think of when I think of the word cottagegore. However, that’s the the beauty of it not actually being a real word yet. You can pretty much define it how you see fit. In the end as long as it’s a scare the pants off you book you enjoy, have at it. Happy reading! Oh and if you do, be mindful that body horror is a very real thing in this one. I did not get the warning from my friend who read this before me and oh the glares I gave her. It’s not as bad as others I’ve read but it sure as hell ain’t subtle. So tread cautiously. And they’re kids, which means that the adults never believe them. So they truly do feel alone in spooky situations where their life may hang in the balance, even if they were the ones who brought the vengeance down on them. This is a very entertaining read; even if you’re a YA novice and can see all the twists coming, you’ll still enjoy the ride. But don’t be like them kids and call her name in a mirror. It will not end in happiness for you.

Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 28Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 83Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 49Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 98Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 75Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 33Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 30Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 29Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 88Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 45Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 81Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 53Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 45Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 55Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 81Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 61Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 10Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 31Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 61Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 12Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 17Something s Creepy About That Cottage  6 Books with Cottagegore Vibes - 4