This list of 52 book journaling ideas is meant to help get your mind rolling about words, reading, books, and other aspects of a well-read life, whatever that looks like for you. There’s no need for anything fancy to give book journaling a try. Pick up a favorite notebook you’ve got lying around—if you’re like so many others, chances are there are about six you’re saving for just the right reason…and this is that reason. Maybe this is your opportunity to hop aboard Bookstagram and journal via the visual social media platform. Or maybe, just maybe, you’ll begin your own blog to talk about all things books. Consider book journaling a type of meditative or mindfulness practice. There’s no right way or wrong way to explore these topics. Use them exactly as is or use them as jumping off points to explore something completely different. Your journal might simply be a sentence or two, or it might lead to pages and pages of words. Neither is better. There’s no specific order to the prompts, so begin with what feels right and always feel free to jump around. You can also always revisit topics and journal about them repeatedly. What you say one week might look completely different the next.

52 Weeks of Book Journaling Ideas

If these prompts excite you and you’d like to delve even deeper into thinking about your reading life or expanding your literary horizons, you’ll want to check out Lit Chat, Book Riot’s own deck of conversation starters about reading and life.

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