I love audiobooks, but I also have a short attention span and limited listening skills (sorry, I’m a Gemini). I often find my attention straying while listening to audiobooks and then have to rewind to figure out what I missed. Celebrity memoirs were my gateway into audiobooks because it’s easier for me to focus on a familiar voice, and they’re still the most likely to keep me listening. But I’ve also gained more interest in audiobooks from listening to celebrity narrators, and I’ve gotten into plenty of other audiobooks as well. So if you’re hesitant to give audiobooks a try, I highly recommend starting with a book written and narrated by a celebrity you admire. Now, let’s get to those audiobooks! We’ve got seven books already available for your listening pleasure, as well as three books to watch for later this year. 12 Exciting Upcoming 2022 Memoirs 15 Recent Award-Winning Audiobooks to Enjoy 7 Nonfiction Audiobooks for Disability Pride Month

New and Upcoming Celebrity Audiobooks Narrated by the Author - 57New and Upcoming Celebrity Audiobooks Narrated by the Author - 75New and Upcoming Celebrity Audiobooks Narrated by the Author - 64New and Upcoming Celebrity Audiobooks Narrated by the Author - 50New and Upcoming Celebrity Audiobooks Narrated by the Author - 80New and Upcoming Celebrity Audiobooks Narrated by the Author - 58New and Upcoming Celebrity Audiobooks Narrated by the Author - 16New and Upcoming Celebrity Audiobooks Narrated by the Author - 86New and Upcoming Celebrity Audiobooks Narrated by the Author - 57New and Upcoming Celebrity Audiobooks Narrated by the Author - 55