Bad news: Mercury is in retrograde through July 12, leading to miscommunications, interrupted plans, and general mayhem. As I always say, your best bet to avoid Mercury Retrograde disaster is to stay inside with a nice book.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Passion is your driving force this month, Aries. You know what’s worth fighting for, and you’ll put everything you’ve got behind it. Your love life will also be passionate in July. Opportunities abound for romance in relationships new and old. Unfortunately, your commitment to your ideals may cause friction at work. Agree on common goals if you’re facing disagreements with colleagues. You might enjoy Sex and Vanity (July 14, Doubleday) by Kevin Kwan. Lucie Churchill had a strong reaction to George Zao the first time she saw him at a glamorous wedding in Capri: part attraction, and part hatred of that attraction. After a whirlwind romance, she’s ready to forget about George and move on with her life. But several years later, while planning her wedding to another man, George reappears and her plans are upended yet again.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Stressful times are ahead for Tauruses in July. Money and family troubles have been brewing for a while, and this month, they’ll reach the boiling point. Big decisions at home can lead to disagreement, and financial stress only makes things worse. This could take a toll on your mental and physical health. Remember that compromise doesn’t mean losing, and take time to care for yourself. Check out Girl, Serpent, Thorn (July 7, Flatiron Books) by Melissa Bashardoust. Princess Soraya, cursed to be poisonous to the touch, has lived her life hidden away from all others in her gardens. But now, a demon held in the dungeon knows the secret to her freedom. And with the hope of freedom, Soraya must question who she is beneath the poison.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

You’re afraid of commitment, Gemini. That’s always true for you, but especially this July. Your charming nature opens up many doors, and it’s hard for you to pick just one. This may cause drama in your love life this month. And while it’s fun to explore career options, big opportunities don’t last forever. It’s okay to shop around, but don’t chase everything shiny that catches your eye. I recommend The Only Good Indians (July 14, Gallery/Saga Press) by Stephen Graham Jones. After experiencing a traumatic event in their youth, four American Indian men have left their culture and traditions behind as they try to forget their past. But a frightening entity seeks to track them down and seek revenge, no matter how much time has passed.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Happy Birthday, Cancer! Your trip around the sun gives you a chance to level up this month. July presents a moment to change the parts of your life that make you unhappy. Bad relationship? Bye! Hate your job? A new one might be in store. Prioritize your own needs and goals this month, even though that’s hard for you. Putting yourself on the right track can help the people around you, too. Read Running (July 14, Clarion) by Natalia Sylvester. Mariana has been her dad’s biggest supporter throughout his political career. But now that he’s running for president, their family is at the center of intense media scrutiny and invented scandals. And as Mariana learns more about her dad’s rise to power, she realizes he’s not the hero she thought he was.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Leos want to understand their place in the universe in July. You’ll spend much of the month searching for meaning. This spiritual mindset may cause some tension with others, who interpret your introspection as standoffishness. Include loved ones in your journey to avoid frustrations. Bringing others into your personal growth goals can help you find joy, positivity, and new perspectives. Check out Well-Behaved Indian Women (July 14, Berkley) by Saumya Dave. As Simran reaches a crossroad in her career, she feels constrained by her mother Nandini’s high expectations. Meanwhile, Nandini is beginning to realize that her dedication to making life easier for her children means she sacrificed herself. As the mother and daughter fall farther apart, Simran’s grandmother Mimi hopes she can be a bridge to bring the three generations together.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Virgo’s social life will provide stress relief in July. Time spent with family and friends will be a great source of joy, and many lovely memories will be made this month. Socializing with colleagues may help you achieve career goals in unexpected ways. Your love life will also benefit from your friendly nature. New romance may be found in reconnecting with old acquaintances. I recommend Boyfriend Material (July 7, Sourcebooks Casablanca) by Alexis Hall. As the son of two famous rockstars, Luc has always been in the public eye. And with the risk of a coming media catastrophe, he needs a normal boyfriend to clean up his image. Barrister Oliver is about as scandal-free as they come, and also in need of a date to a big event. They seem to have nothing in common, but will their fake relationship lead to real feelings?

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Libras are known for their peacemaking skills, and they’ll be in demand this month. At home and at work, you’ll find yourself stuck in the middle of disagreements. Utilize your ability to bring people together. Your efforts will be recognized, and may even lead to a promotion down the line. Educational prospects are also strong in July. Consider picking up a new skill or taking a class. You might enjoy The Pull of the Stars (July 21, Little, Brown & Company) by Emma Donoghue. As the Great Flu ravages 1918 Dublin, a special hospital ward opens for pregnant mothers sick with the flu. A nurse, doctor, and young volunteer must work together to bring new life into a terrifying world.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

You’ll need to practice restraint to reach your goals this month, Scorpio. You tend to know exactly what you want, and you don’t hesitate to reach for it. In July, that could hurt you more than help you. Mercury retrograde complicates plans and communication, so be flexible when things don’t go your way. For stress relief, spend time on a hobby that helps you feel in control. Check out Cinderella is Dead (July 7, Bloomsbury) by Kaylnn Bayron. Two hundred years post-Cinderella, the fairytale land is a dangerous place for young women, who must be chosen by a suitor at a ball or else never heard from again. Sophia is much more interested in marrying her childhood best friend Erin than attending the ball. But in order to live her own life, she must attempt to bring down the king and end the tradition.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Find reasons to celebrate in July, Sagittarius. You live for unique experiences, and recent months have ruined your travel plans. If you’re feeling down in the dumps, find a way to celebrate a special occasion, or plan a date with a partner. Family time offers great joy for you in July. With a little extra effort, you can find ways to reinvigorate areas of your life that currently feel lacking. Read Big Friendship: How We Keep Each Other Close (July 14, Simon Schuster) by Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman, the hosts of the podcast Call Your Girlfriend. This book tells the story of their messy and life-changing friendship. But even more, it explores how to build and nurture important friendships through good times and bad.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

You’re acting a little out of character this month, Capricorn. You tend to be more measured and thoughtful in your decision making. But in July, you’re ready to jump into big changes. Quick pivots at work will impress others, and might even lead to financial success. Your love life will also benefit from following your heart instead of your head. You know a good thing when you see it! I recommend It Is Wood, It Is Stone (July 28, One World) by Gabriella Burnham. Set in São Paulo, it follows two women as their lives intersect over the course of a year. Linda followed her husband to Brazil from America and is feeling adrift. Marta takes a job as Linda’s maid and struggles to work within the household’s strange dynamic. When Linda begins an illicit affair, her choices unexpectedly bring the two closer together.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

In July, Aquarius can fix any problem. Things may not always go the way you want them to this month, but you’ve got the autonomy to change them for the better. Lingering frustrations at work can finally be cleared up, or a new job opportunity may arise. In romantic relationships, you can change the game. Unfortunately, your powers aren’t so strong at home, where family drama may be in store. Check out Crooked Hallelujah (July 14, Grove Press) by Kelli Jo Ford. It follows three generations of women in the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, starting in the 1970s. As they seek to move up in the world, they must fight against forces seeking to pull them away from their sense of home and from each other.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Pisces will find joy in every situation this month. Even the dullest tasks can turn into fun for you in July. Time with loved ones will be especially memorable, and romantic relationships are all about pleasure. Your positive attitude will also be a benefit at work, where you can lift everyone’s spirits. Because of Mercury retrograde, avoid making big financial decisions until later in the month. Read Must I Go (July 28, Random House) by Yiyun Li. Lilia has had a full life, outliving three husbands and welcoming seventeen grandchildren to the world. But in the recently published diaries of an old lover, she’s merely a footnote. From her nursing home, she annotates the diary to put herself back in the story, revealing a lifetime of secrets along the way. Looking for more? Check out your April, May, and June horoscopes and book recommendations!

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