With millions of titles, ThriftBooks has an endless selection of children’s books at the best prices to fill your child’s imagination…. and their library. From childhood classics to new undiscovered worlds of adventures, there is something for everyone and every budget. And with the ThriftBooks ReadingRewards program, every purchase gets you a step closer to your next free book. Shop ThriftBooks.com today to unleash the pure imagination a world of children’s books has to offer. ThriftBooks.com. Read more. Spend less. There are so many great series to choose from. Here are some of our favourites at East City Bookshop in Washington, D.C., where I work. Great for kids who: sometimes struggle with being the younger sibling, and love Ramona the Pest! Great for kids who: love learning and are figuring out friendship Great for kids who: want to learn more about Japanese culture, and want to be the special sibling for once! Great for kids who: love fun, cartoony illustrations, secret identities, and fighting monsters! Great for kids who: love to ask questions to understand the world better. Great for kids who: love to read about extended families, and want to hang out with a fun, creative thinker!