In this dark, suspenseful thriller, Alex North weaves a multi-generational tale of a father and son caught in the crosshairs of an investigation to catch a serial killer preying on a small town. “The Whisper Man is the most unsettling thriller I have read since Jo Nesbo’s The Snowman. Much more than the sum of its parts, it is nightmarish and disturbing and, at the same time, a moving and life-affirming novel about fathers and sons, and grief, loss, and recovery.” ―Alex Michaelides, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Silent Patient We have 25 copies of The Whisper Man by Alex North to give away to 25 Riot readers! Just complete the form below to enter. This sweepstakes is open to residents of the United States (excluding Puerto Rico and all other U.S. territories). Entries will be accepted until 11:45pm, June 9, 2019. Winner will be randomly selected. Complete rules and eligibility requirements available here. Oops! We could not locate your form.

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