With millions of titles, ThriftBooks has an endless selection of children’s books at the best prices to fill your child’s imagination…. and their library. From childhood classics to new undiscovered worlds of adventures, there is something for everyone and every budget. And with the ThriftBooks ReadingRewards program, every purchase gets you a step closer to your next free book. Shop ThriftBooks.com today to unleash the pure imagination a world of children’s books has to offer. ThriftBooks.com. Read more. Spend less. I am the kind of person who constantly looks for good Latinx representation in books written in English. I also happen to love children’s books. They have this incredible ability to convey complex emotions in a way kids can understand. On the rare occasion that I find a small overlap of these two interests, I know I’ve found the perfect middle grade book for me. That’s how I know that there’s nothing that pulls you more into a story than saying “hey, that’s me” when you read. So for all of you out there looking for that perfect overlap of middle grade books that feature Latinx main characters, I’ve got you covered. Because we all deserve to see ourselves in the stories we cherish.