Here are a few of the most delightfully bookish garden goods I’ve come across. Yes, I would like to fill book-shaped planters with trailing flowers. Yes, I would like to scatter my garden with silly little statues of dragons and gnomes and animals reading. Yes, I love the idea of images of my favorite books peeking out from moss-covered stones. If you, too, dream of a beautiful garden that announces your love for books (and makes for a perfect outdoor reading nook), this list is for you. I know not everyone has access to big gardens, so I’ve included all sorts of items. Some (like DIY plans for garden beds) will only work if you have a lot of space. But many of the smaller items will be just as delightful on your porch or balcony garden, or even on your kitchen windowsill, next to a potted herb. You don’t have to have a big yard to enjoy a bookish garden — you can bring the bookish garden inside! Now that you’ve filed your cart with all these goodies for your garden, why not check out a big stack of gardening books from the library? This comprehensive list of gardening books is a great place to start. If you’re excited about growing veggies, these books will help. And if you’re looking for tips for gardening in the city, check out these fantastic books about urban gardening!