Goodreads notoriously doesn’t do enough to moderate bot/spam/sock puppet accounts. They don’t even require email address verification before rating. And now this will impact sales in a bigger way than ever. — Diana Urban (IN WRITING CAVE) (@DianaUrban) November 4, 2022 — Kwana aka K.M. Jackson (@KwanaWrites) November 4, 2022 A spokesperson from Goodreads also reached out in response with the following statement: “Goodreads takes the responsibility of protecting the integrity of customer ratings and reviews very seriously. Attempts to abuse our systems are not tolerated and we are constantly making improvements to better safeguard the community. We continue to invest in tools to improve the ability to quickly detect and take action against bad actors. In addition to email verification, some recent improvements include making it easier for members to flag inappropriate content so they can get help faster and investing in our customer service team. We encourage people to contact us directly using our Contact Us form if they need support.“ Find more news and stories of interest from the book world in Breaking in Books.