As I was saying, Halloween time is nigh. And, no matter how old you are, it can be a fun time of the year. I’ve had some pretty cool costumes over the course of my lifetime. As with most things, it wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized how expensive costumes can be. Don’t get me wrong; I still like dressing up. But I do not like spending so much money on something that easily rips or tears. As a result, homemade costumes have been my go to the few times I have dressed up in recent years. Typically I use what I already have at hand. But if I have to buy something new, it’s always something that can be integrated into my everyday wardrobe. To this day, one of the costumes I remember the most fondly are from my son’s first Halloween. He was a baby skunk and we used some of my partner’s military gear to be “Animal Control.” It was adorable.  If you’re of a similar nature, then you may be looking for some budget friendly comic book Halloween costumes. And that’s where I come in with some suggestions to help get those creative juices flowing for you.  And there you go! Hopefully, this list of comic book Halloween costumes helped to inspire you. Sign up here to get subscribed to The Stack, our comic-based newsletter for all the comic news.

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