I know. What’s interesting to me could be a complete snoozefest for you. I’m sure not everyone would be into my extensive (obsessive?) collection of books on sexuality education, and people do look at me funny when I mention my favorite reads on aging and end-of-life care. But I also find myself engrossed in works that I’m pretty sure have a more universal appeal. To my mind, truly interesting reads are those that deep dive into important topics, providing me with information that illuminates and allowing me to see the world from a different perspective. If you agree, read on for a list of interesting reads that caught my eye in 2021. In addition to book recs, you’ll also find links to in-depth articles, reported essays, and even author newsletters. Enjoy! These reads not your bag? You could always take this quiz on what book you should read next instead! Anyway. In The Quiet Zone, Kurczy travels to a town in West Virginia that has a ban on all devices that emanate radio frequencies that might interfere with the local observatory’s telescopes. To some, it sounds like a dream. But while there, he finds himself recording a fascinating (and sometimes troubling) tale of what life is truly like when you chase a quiet idyll, and he learns even more about the role technology plays in our lives.