There are three important laws in Ezomo’s village: Don’t go to The Valley, don’t go out at night, and never, ever, ever open the magical door that protects them all. But when Ezomo encounters the leopard believed to have killed his father, he and his best friends embark on a journey that leads them past the boundaries set by their elders.With his friends by his side, Ezomo chases after the leopard, certain that it has the power to cure all. But in the process, he discovers the truth about his village. And that cautionary tales exist for a reason. What is it about magic and middle grade books? I’ve got a few theories of my own. Children at the age of the characters in these books are at their peak of childhood, on the brink of adolescence. They can still experience the wonder that they did when they were younger, without the cynicism that can accompany the teenage years. Many are finding new ways to be independent, taking on responsibilities, and beginning to learn who they really are. I know some of the interests and personality traits that solidified around that age for me are still with me today.  All of these changes can make middle grade readers feel powerful. And at the root of magic is a desire to wield power. Magic aids in accomplishing so many things in these books. Taking care of loved ones. Standing up for what’s right. Being brave in the face of danger. Discovering a bigger world than was previously imaginable. In the real world, we can and must do all of these things without magic, but seeing characters accomplish great feats can remind us of the power inside us as well. So here’s a list of magical middle grade reads. These books would make fantastic read-alouds. They’d also make wonderful companions to anyone learning about classic literature and mythology. But best of all, they’re the ideal books for a youngster (or oldster, as the case may be!) to tumble into on a perfect reading day.

The Magic in Us All: Magical Middle Grade Books

Check out our middle grade archives for so many more books on a variety of themes. If you still need more magical middle grade reads, may I suggest a mermaid tale? And remember that even if a book doesn’t have a magical storyline, books themselves are magic.

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