There’s more to the Anthropocene than the doom and gloom of climate change and global disease pandemics and wars. Green muses about Halley’s Comet and Diet Dr. Pepper with equal importance and eloquence. Piggly Wiggly, the Indianapolis 500, viral meningitis, scratch-and-sniff stickers — no stone is left unturned. Each is as invaluable as the next. Because of all this, the book doesn’t fit neatly into any boxes when it comes to subject matter. It’s a stunning look at the beauty around us and a reminder that the world is worth learning about. Even when — especially when — everything feels dark and terrible and hopeless. The Anthropocene Reviewed helps me remember that the world is full of wonder, as long as I open my mind to it. Here are some books that fit that vibe and will hopefully get you to explore the world a little more, too. 

Books Like The Anthropocene Reviewed

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